Campaign Objectives

Art advocates for:


Our schools must be improved.

As a scientist and educator at the University of California at San Diego, Stanford, and Caltech, who has also provided educational materials for home schooling and as supplements for public schooling to more than 100,000 K-12 students, Art is an experienced educator.

Art educated his six children, all of whom now hold graduate degrees in science, engineering, and medicine.

Art knows that Oregon K-12 schools can be much improved. He will work tirelessly in the legislature to do so.


We must protect the lives of all people, born and unborn, through legislation that is pro-life and pro-Second Amendment.

We must end illegal immigration, so that all Oregon citizens of all races and ethnic backgrounds can thrive.

Fiscal Responsibility

We must make certain that our state government budget is frugal and effective.

Justice for All

We must assure that everyone, including those in the highest positions and those who are the least fortunate, are treated equally before the law. Oregon businesses must be free to provide the best products at the lowest prices without being burdened by over-taxation and over-regulation.

Keeping our National Contract and Heritage

We must rigorously follow the rules of our Constitutional Republic and support our President Donald Trump.

Natural Resources

We must restore responsible use of Oregon’s wonderful timber and mineralogical natural resources.

Our state and our people must prosper!

We must minimize government intrusion, so that liberty, freedom, justice, and equality of opportunity are assured. We must also make the best use of advances in technology. As an accomplished scientist, Art can bring a valuable science and engineering perspective to our state legislature.

Proverbs 3:5-6

All the Non-science About “Human-caused Climate Change” That Money Can Buy

It is loudly claimed today that “scientists” agree that human activities, especially the use of hydrocarbon fuels and other carbon based activities (including life itself), are leading to a climate catastrophe.

This does not include the more than 31,000 American scientists and engineers who signed a mail petition to Congress rejecting this failed hypothesis (see It also does not include more than 90% of other American scientists – who stay out of this controversy to protect their professional scientific work from political attacks.

It does include a small number of “scientists,” most of whom have been given large financial and professional rewards – money grants and popular attention – in exchange for their political positions in favor of the myth of “impending catastrophic climate change.”

Carbon dioxide from hydrocarbon use – is increasing in the atmosphere. It will continue to increase so long as the rate of emissions from human activity exceeds the rate of removal – the half-time for removal being seven years – an experimental fact often misrepresented. There is no “existential climate environmental crisis.”

Continue reading “All the Non-science About “Human-caused Climate Change” That Money Can Buy”

Saving American Lives from Terrorists

Terrorist actions occasionally take a few American lives and, in other parts of the world, take greater numbers of lives. Every lost life is a tragedy. These tragedies should be prevented.

The greatest terrorist threat to Americans, however, is the potential use of a nuclear weapon that causes a nuclear explosion in an American city. The people of our cities should be protected from this threat as much as possible – by intelligence activities to prevent such an event and by protective measures to reduce deaths in case preventive measures fail.

Engineers during the Cold War determined that deaths from a ground burst nuclear explosion are caused in three primary ways – blast and prompt nuclear radiation near the explosion, fires set by heat farther from the explosion, and radiation from nuclear fallout even farther from the explosion. These three effects each cause about one-third of the human deaths.

Continue reading “Saving American Lives from Terrorists”

Art Robinson’s Contributions to National Defense

Art Robinson has not served in the U.S. military, but, as a scientist, he has worked effectively for the defense of our nation.

During the Cold War with the Soviet Union, Art built a U.S. coalition of 8,000 volunteers, nuclear defense scientists and engineers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S congressmen and senators, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and Republican Party officials working to protect Americans from nuclear weapons. Art also worked in support of strategic nuclear defense.

Art personally wrote the nuclear civil defense plank for the national Republican Party platform which was passed unanimously at the Republican Convention in New Orleans in 1988.

Continue reading “Art Robinson’s Contributions to National Defense”

Art Robinson: Qualifications and Electability

The Robinson congressional campaign exists because we are certain that our qualifications and abilities can improve the lives of all people in District 4, Oregon, and our Nation.

On September 12, the first filing day, Art filed to run in the Republican primary election for Congress in 2020. He has won this primary in 5 consecutive elections. We do not know who his specific opponents will be this time. We have filed because Art is far better qualified to fill this office than all other Oregonians who have now publically expressed an interest in doing so.

Elections are about qualifications and electability. As these campaigns have passed, Art’s electability has substantially risen. In 2018, he

Continue reading “Art Robinson: Qualifications and Electability”

Kay Bridges

These two photos are of Kay Bridges, creator of Facebook postings for our congressional campaign in 2018 and earlier, who has died from cancer. Kay was a wonderful woman, a skilled co-worker, and a key part of our congressional campaigns.

Kay’s Facebook work glowed with many short vignettes and photo ops of our appearances in parades, fairs, speeches, and other events.

Kay worked vigorously and effectively from her youth and throughout her life for her state and nation and fellow Americans. She was a dynamo to the end, playing a prominent part in the recent efforts to slow the totalitarian slide in the Oregon state capital, including “Oregon Pushback.”

Continue reading “Kay Bridges”

Art Robinson featured at World Net Daily

Candidate Sees Blue-State Enthusiasm for Trump

October 7, 2018 – World Net Daily

In “blue” Oregon, where Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump by 11 points in 2016, Republican candidates like Art Robinson in the state’s 4th Congressional District face a steep challenge against Democratic incumbents such as Rep. Peter DeFazio.

Robinson ran against the progressive congressman for the first time in 2010, regarding it as a public service, and he’s run each election since then.

But this year stands out from the rest, he said, because he hasn’t experienced the overt opposition on the campaign trail of previous elections.

“What I see out there is tremendous enthusiasm for the president, and the other side is shut down,” he told WND.

“I don’t think the pollsters can see it.”

Robinson, a well-regarded Ph.D. scientist, educator, businessman and 38-year Oregon resident, served on the faculty of the University of California-San Diego, was president at the Linus Pauling Institute and now is head of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine.

The former chairman of the state Republican Party, Robinson believes that all of the Republicans in the 2018 midterms “rise and fall with Trump.”

And he sees strong enthusiasm for the president, because they recognize Trump is advancing the conservative agenda, including confirming constitutional judges, bolstering the economy, improving international relations and defending religious liberty.

“I don’t think it’s because they idolize a man,” he said of the enthusiastic support for Trump in a blue state. “I’m not suggesting this. The important thing is that he gets things done.

Read full article at:

How to Put Real People in the U.S. Congress

By Art Robinson, Ph.D.

Most congressional candidates are now busily telling voters what they will do if they win a seat in Congress, or retain the seat they already occupy.

Our nation’s founders intended that Congress would have relatively little to do. Respected members of their communities were selected to serve as public servants for brief terms as caretakers of our Constitutional republic. Each member is constrained by oath to follow our Constitution, which merely instructs these members to protect our lives, liberty and property from all threats – primarily threats from foreign invaders and from our government itself.

Congress has come a long way since then.

In continual violation of their oaths, members of Congress have arrogated to themselves almost total control of every aspect of our lives – a control they grudgingly share with the executive and judicial governmental branches and enforce through a vast complex of bureaucratic apparatchiks.

Former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, who while in office rigorously adhered to the Constitution, earned the nickname “Dr. No” because he so routinely voted against unconstitutional actions by the U.S. Congress.

And the American people have been taught that they live in a “democracy” wherein they are entitled to vote away the lives, liberty and property of their neighbors if they can get 51 percent of the vote. The original idea was that congressmen would be elected by majority votes – not that the freedoms of Americans would be determined by such votes. The founders were very clear about this difference.

Our freedoms are God-given. Congress has no just authority to change this.

So, in 2018 what should we do? Grumble as we scurry about beneath the feet of our masters? Join the system and seek congressional preference for ourselves? Or vote for principled members of Congress in the hope that our fellow Americans will do this too, and that a majority of the members will return our freedoms to us?

Most grassroots Americans are trying to do all three of these things simultaneously. And since our current members of Congress arise from these grassroots, I am optimistic that many, perhaps even a majority, would like to return to our Constitution, too.

In the meantime, most Congressmen would probably like to exercise their current power with wisdom. But wisdom must be coupled with knowledge, and few if any members of Congress possess the knowledge to cast wise votes on the myriad issues now before them. Even if a member did have that knowledge, that member has only 1 vote out of 435 in the House, or 1 vote out of 100 in the Senate. Each is a bit player in a vast enterprise. Is there a way to do more?

I believe there is.

Each congressional office has desks for about eight or so political staffers. These staffers are busy making the member feel important, advising him on voting for the special interests that keep the member in office, and interfacing with the public. Mostly they are aspiring politicos working their way up the ladders in the Washington swamp. Each effectively has the powers of a member of Congress, except for the power to vote.

Within the Capitol building the staffers can speak to and write to everyone else, hold meetings in the many conference rooms and participate in all the many interpersonal activities within the building, except speaking and voting on the floors of the House and Senate. The staffers, to a very significant extent, affect the actions of Congress. And importantly, they exercise very great control on the level of knowledge in the Capitol building.

If elected to Congress, I would replace the political staffers in the Oregon office with real people. In this way, our office could have a much greater influence on wisdom in the Congress.

Consider, for example, MIT’s atmospheric physicist Richard Lindzen, who is one of our nation’s greatest scientific authorities on the issue of human-caused global warming. An eminent scientist, Professor Lindzen is also an articulate public writer and speaker. Ordinarily, he is allowed to speak for 30 minutes or so to a congressional committee every couple of years. The idea is that the exalted members turn their ears occasionally toward Professor Lindzen – very occasionally.

What do you suppose would happen to congressional knowledge on this issue if Dick Lindzen were to occupy one of those eight desks in my office for several months, with the full powers of a congressional staffer? I guarantee the level of congressional knowledge on this issue would increase a hundredfold.

I told Dick Lindzen that if I win a seat in Congress, he has lost his vacation. In reply, he sent us a campaign contribution.

Another example arises from the great importance of the timber industry in Oregon District 4, which has the finest stands of Douglas fir in the world – but is prevented from using this resource by unwise decisions made by the U.S. Congress.

Therefore, the desk next to Dick Lindzen’s should be occupied, on a rotating basis, by a sawmill owner, a log mill sawyer, a log truck driver and a timber faller. When that timber faller throws one of those long Oregon chain saws over his shoulder and walks down the halls in Congress, they will never forget it. And, his seminar on work in Oregon forests – across the hall the next day in the Capitol building – will have standing room only. He will speak in the language and dialect of his working people. I guarantee that the denizens of Congress will learn this language!

That timber faller will be there day after day. Each day he will sally forth from that desk spreading needed knowledge about Oregon forests throughout the Capitol building.

We’ll need an education desk, too, occupied by real teachers. And an energy desk for the men and women who actually build and operate, with their own hands, America’s energy technology. And a border-control desk with people who actually personally protect our borders.

Should Wall Street have a desk and the bankers who flood our nation with fiat money and debt? Yes, they should – right beside the desk with experts on honest money as specified in our Constitution and the virtues of a debt-free nation.

That’s seven desks already, and we still need one for merchants from the main streets of Oregon District 4’s towns and cities – the entrepreneurs who struggle to do our nation’s business under the yoke of runaway taxation and regulation that wears them down and costs our communities millions of real jobs.

Perhaps we can squeeze in ten desks, but the list of real Americans includes a great multitude of specialties that have arisen in a nation of free people, but who are now suffering from the diminution of their freedom. We rotate as many of these as we can through several-month tenures within the two-year term. Who knows if a member who does this will see a second term? Who cares? We could do a lot for our nation with a program like this in just two years.

Put real people in the Capitol building! If we do, the members themselves will gradually realize that they, too, can be real people, and our nation will be better off.

Arthur Robinson, Ph.D., is a research professor of chemistry and co-founder of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. After co-founding the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine with Linus Pauling in 1973, Robinson, his wife, chemist Laurelee Robinson, physicist Martin Kamen, and later joined by Nobel-winning biochemist R. Bruce Merrifield, cofounded the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine in 1981. Robinson has also directed the Petition Project, which has obtained the support and signatures of more than 31,000 American scientists for a petition opposed – entirely on scientific grounds published in peer-reviewed journals – to the hypothesis of “human-caused global warming.”

Robinson is currently running for U.S. Congress in District 4 of Oregon. He has been nominated by District 4 Republicans to run for this position in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018. He has also received the nominations of the Constitution and Independent Parties for this position and has served as state chairman of the Oregon Republican Party.

 Originally Published at

Voters’ Pamphlet Statement

US Representative, 4th District
Arthur B Robinson

Occupation: Scientist; Educator; Businessman

Occupational Background: Faculty, UC San Diego; President, Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine

Educational Background: Caltech BS; UC San Diego PhD

Prior Governmental Experience: No government office.

Our nation and our people must prosper!

We must lift the dead hand of government off the backs of our people, so that the liberty, freedom, justice, and equality of opportunity of all Americans are assured. To do this, we should replace career politicians, who place their own self interests above the interests of the American people.

  • American Security

We must protect the lives of all Americans, born and unborn, through legislation that is pro-life and pro-Second Amendment.

We must secure our borders and end illegal immigration.

  • Fiscal Responsibility

We must balance the federal budget to assure that our financial obligations to social security, national defense, and other contractual commitments can be paid.

  • Justice for All

We must end unconstitutional corporatism so that American businesses compete in the marketplace, rather than in buying favors from politicians, and we must assure that all Americans, those in the highest positions and those who are the least fortunate, are treated equally before the law.

  • Keep our National Contract and Heritage

We must rigorously follow the rules of our Constitutional Republic. No governmental action should be taken that violates the Constitution.

  • Defend our Nation

The strength of our military must be maintained at the highest level, both by adequate investment and by avoiding involvement in unnecessary foreign adventures.

  • Education

Our schools should be under the control of our parents, teachers, and local communities.

  • Liberty and Common Law

Each of us should do all that we have agreed to do, and we should not encroach on other persons or their property. Our government should serve as a just referee of our adherence to this common law.

(This information furnished by Art Robinson for Congress.)