March for Life with Dr. Art Robinson in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Our founders listed LIFE as the first value to be preserved. They would be astonished today to know that there are people in Washington in the US Congress that actively work to destroy life. Those who get this so badly wrong get everything wrong.

March for Life w/Dr. Art Robinson in Grants Pass, Oregon.

If you have people running your country who cannot even understand that it is wrong to murder a child . . you have a problem. Those who get this wrong, get everything wrong. Dr. Art Robinson, Phd in Grants Pass at the joint March for Life of Josephine and Jackson counties, 2019. With Captions.

Posted by Art Robinson on Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Sept. 22, 2018 – Art speaks at Patriot Place in Florence

Dr. Art Robinson PhD speaks at Patriot Place in Florence, Oregon between 2 and 4 pm on Saturday, September 22nd.

Tturning #CD4RED

Florence Liberty Alliance


Is the Oregon Coast a Linchpin for Economic Development? How Do We Win on a Democratic Playing Field?
Saturday, Sept. 22, 2:00 PM 4:00 PM at Patriot Place

Teri Grier, candidate for Oregon House of Representatives, will represent the legislative process and Bettina Hannigan, Executive Director of the Florence Chamber of Commerce will represent the interests of Oregon coastal businesses, as they discuss the key elements of success for the Oregon coast and the opportunities and threats due to proposed legislation like Cap and Trade.


Dr. Art Robinson, candidate for US House of Representatives, will share his experience and observations of how the political process works, or doesn’t work in Coastal Oregon. How we are “Fighting to preserve our Constitutional Republic on a Democratic Playing Field.”

Public is invited, snacks provided.
Patriot Place is located at 175 Nopal in Florence
Questions call (509)540-4880

Gathering of the Eagles: Sept 29, 2018


Art is privileged to be one of the speakers at Gathering of the Eagles on September 29.

This is a great event. Pro-life and pro-liberty groups from all over Oregon participate.

Mark your calendar and come if you possibly can.

For more information see below or visit:

10th Annual Celebration of Freedom and Barbecue
Saturday, September 29, 2018
At the Ames’ Ranch
4135 Paradise Hill Drive SE Turner, Oregon 97392

Hosted by
Dr. William Ames Curtright, DBA
Ames Research Laboratories, Inc.
Ames Eagles

Master of Ceremonies
Jeff Kropf
Former State Director of AFP Oregon
Executive Director of the Oregon Capitol Watch Foundation
5th Generation Oregon farmer and talk radio host on AM 1360 KUIK

Please make checks payable to: Ames Eagles
and note “GOE–2018” on the memo line. Mail to:
Ames Eagles, 1891 16th St SE, Salem, OR 97302

Food is provided by Adams Ribs. There may be an additional charge for food. Other dishes like pies and other potluck-style food are welcome.

Adult Rate: $35.00 Student Rate: $25.00
Family Rate: $75.00 for husband, wife and children
Senior Citizen Rate: $25.00 each or $40.00 per couple.
Veterans and Active Duty Military: FREE
Pastor, including Family: FREE
Children: FREE
(A supervised, children’s play area is available).
Volunteers & Booth Staff & Spouses: FREE

Call 503-930-9373 / 971-707-2772
or Email

Gathering of the Eagles is an annual educational, family-friendly, patriotic picnic/party hosted by Ames Research Laboratories, Inc., Ames Eagles, Dr. William Ames and Dama Curtright. This event gathers business leaders, elected officials, conservative grassroots organizations and concerned individuals for the purpose of exchanging ideas to promote smaller government and lower taxes in Oregon.