A Vote for Art

Candidate for Oregon Senate District 2 in 2020

Throughout America, men and women are working to improve their family’s lives and those of their fellow citizens.

Their dreams, however, cannot be realized, unless the threats  to our Constitutional Republic are neutralized and repressive laws restricting our freedom are repealed.

Art Robinson has the experience, qualifications, and character to represent Oregon District 2 in Salem and to work effectively toward the preservation of individual freedom. He is not a professional politician – exactly what our state needs at this critical time. At the founding of our Republic, it was expected that the elective positions in our governments would be held by private citizens – people who, as a result of accomplishments in private life, had shown that they could be trusted in public office. They were expected to serve briefly as a patriotic public service.

Art never expected to run for public office. When his two terms as class president and one as house president as an undergraduate at Caltech were over, he closed his “political career.”

These are, however, unusual times, and people find themselves

doing unusual things. Most of us have never thought of becoming firefighters, but when our house is on fire and the fire engines are away, we transform into firefighters without hesitation.

Our state and nation are on fire, and freedom is at stake. Now is the time to elect citizens whom we can trust to put this fire out! And, our nation’s founders gave us a special gift. After protect- ing certain essential human rights in the U.S. Constitution, they left all other powers to the individual states.

We do not need to correct the errors of other states. We need only to be certain that our state of Oregon is governed in a respon- sible way. Our policies determine the fate of our K-12 schools; our wisdom decides most questions of economic opportunity for Oregonians; and our justice protects most human rights in Oregon.

We need only elect trustworthy citizens to our state legislature.