Occupational Background: Faculty, University of California at San Diego; President, Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine; President, Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
Educational Background: Caltech BS; University of California at San Diego PhD
Prior Governmental Experience: No government office
Art advocates for:
Our schools must be improved.
As a scientist and educator at the University of California at San Diego, Stanford, and Caltech, who has also provided educational materials for home schooling and as supplements for public schooling to more than 100,000 K-12 students, Art is an experienced educator.
Art educated his six children, all of whom now hold graduate degrees in science, engineering, and medicine.
Art knows that Oregon K-12 schools can be much improved. He will work tirelessly in the legislature to do so.
We must protect the lives of all people, born and unborn, through legislation that is pro-life and pro-Second Amendment.
We must end illegal immigration, so that all Oregon citizens of all races and ethnic backgrounds can thrive.
Fiscal Responsibility
We must make certain that our state government budget is frugal and effective.
Justice for All
We must assure that everyone, including those in the highest positions and those who are the least fortunate, are treated equally before the law. Oregon businesses must be free to provide the best products at the lowest prices without being burdened by over-taxation and over-regulation.
Keeping our National Contract and Heritage
We must rigorously follow the rules of our Constitutional Republic and support our President Donald Trump.
Natural Resources
We must restore responsible use of Oregon’s wonderful timber and mineralogical natural resources.
Our state and our people must prosper!
We must minimize government intrusion, so that liberty, freedom, justice, and equality of opportunity are assured. We must also make the best use of advances in technology. As an accomplished scientist, Art can bring a valuable science and engineering perspective to our state legislature.
Proverbs 3:5-6